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Who is this guide for

  • OD staff (editors and data officers)
  • Contributors willing to add content to the OD Database

What this guide teaches

  • What is medata data, and why it is important?
  • Guidelines for creating metadata
  • Open Development metadata templates

What is metadata, and why is it important?

Metadata is data that describes data. Imagine you had a present for someone. Without having to tear the wrapping papers and open the box, a label with written note attached can tell you what they are going to get.

Similarly, for CKAN purposes, data is published in units called “datasets”. A dataset is a parcel of data - for example, it could be the crime statistics for a region, the spending figures for a government department, or temperature readings from various weather stations or a reference document.

A dataset contains two things:

  • A metadata that describe information about the data. For example, the title and publisher, date, what formats it is available in, what license it is released under, etc.
  • A number of “resources”, which hold the data itself. CKAN does not mind what format the data is in. A resource can be a CSV or Excel spreadsheet, XML file, PDF document, image file, linked data in RDF format, etc. CKAN can store the resource internally, or store it simply as a link, the resource itself being elsewhere on the web. A dataset can contain any number of resources. For example, different resources might contain the data for different years, or they might contain the same data in different formats.

Example: Hydrobasins level 6 dataset on OD Mekong

Metadata provides important context about an informational asset’s source and manner of creation, as well as in what applications or environments the asset is relevant.

Metadata also has the following purposes:

  • certifies the authenticity and degree of completeness of the content;
  • establishes and documents the context of the content;
  • identifies and exploits the structural relationships within and between information objects;
  • provides a range of intellectual access points for an increasingly diverse range of users.

Guidelines for creating accurate metadata

Information is often imperfect, whether it is produced by members of the Open Development Network or by others. Details may be missing, badly defined, or even completely wrong. Sometimes it is possible to improve the quality of the information by contacting its source. But even even then, problems may remain.

How may we create an accurate and useful metadata when the information it is describing might be flawed?

We aim to produce, to the best of our ability, an accurate metadata by describing the extent of our knowledge about a asset/resource. It should clearly state what is known about the resource and what is not known or problematic. Metadata changes when the asset itself or knowledge about its condition changes.

If information is missing or inconsistent, describe the known inconsistencies or gaps instead of disregarding the resource. Mention any steps being taken to address these issues, along with an expected timeline.

Open Development Platform metadata templates

On the Datahub 4 different types of datasets, each requires its own metadata template, are currently stored/administered:

  • Dataset (both spatial and non-spatial)
  • Library records
  • Law records
  • Agreement records (for contracts - metadata template is being developed)

These metadata templates are developed by adapting and enhancing the standard CKAN's metadata template. Each template contains metadata fields common for all dataset types on CKAN and a set of fields that are only applicable to the dataset type. For example, metadata about a research report (Library records) will have information about author(s) and publishers (s); metadata for laws and policies (Law records) will instead have information about the drafting agency, issuing agency, and promulgation date etc.

The templates below outline information that should be included and offer instruction for each metadata field.

Metadata for dataset (both spatial and non-spatial)

  • Fields marked with * are mandatory
  • Fields marked with [ML] are multilingual
  • Fields marked with [M] can have more than 1 value
  • Fields with contents being striked through are marked for removal
Label Fieldname Definition and guideline
Title * [ML] title_translated Name given to the dataset.
Description notes_translated Short description explaining the content and its origins.
Topics * taxonomy e.g. economy, mental health, government. See Taxonomic tagging guide
License * license_id License definitions and additional information can be found at
Copyright * odm_copyright Select 'Yes', 'No', 'Unclear copyright' or 'To be determined' about the copyright of the dataset. If copyright of any type is present, describe further in Access and User Constraints.
Access and use constraints odm_access_and_use_constraints A few sentences describing legal considerations for people who access the website and/or use its contents.
Organization * owner_org
Version * version Dataset's version (eg. 1.0)
Contact odm_contact Contact information for the individual or organization that is responsible for or most knowledgeable about the dataset. This could be the author of a report, the contact information for the relevant department of an organization that produced a report, or the data analyst, mapper or researcher that produced a dataset or report.
Language * odm_language Language(s) of the dataset, including resources within dataset.
Date created * odm_date_created Date the dataset was first Published by its creator.
Date uploaded odm_date_uploaded Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
Date modified odm_date_modified Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
Temporal range odm_temporal_range The period of time for which the dataset is relevant (i.e. 2011-01-01:2011-12-31).
Spatial data spatial A valid GEOJSON string describing the dataset boundaries
Geographic area (spatial range) * odm_spatial_range The geographic area that the dataset is relevant to (i.e. Cambodia, Laos).
Province(s) odm_province The province(s) this dataset relates to
Accuracy odm_accuracy Details on the level of accuracy of the dataset and any existing issues.
Logical Consistency odm_logical_consistency Issues with logical consistency in the dataset and the steps, if any, being taken to validate its content.
Completeness odm_completeness Brief description of the level of completeness of the dataset's contents and the steps, if any, being taken to make the dataset more complete.
Process(s) * odm_process The steps taken to acquire, aggregate, or transform any of the resources in the dataset.
Source(s) * odm_source Ordered citations for all information sources that went into producing the dataset.
Metadata Reference Information odm_metadata_reference_information Information about how up-to-date the metadata is and who is responsible for maintaining it.
Attributes odm_attributes Details about the information content of the dataset.
Legacy reference document odm_reference_document For internal use only.
Database table? odm_db_table INTERNAL USE ONLY: Select true if this record contains CSV and/or XLS resources available in the datastore.
Keywords odm_keywords INTERNAL USE ONLY: Enter keywords for improving the discoverability of this record via search

Metadata template for library publications

  • Fields marked with * are mandatory
  • Fields marked with [ML] are multilingual
  • Fields marked with [M] can have more than 1 value
  • Fields with contents being striked through are marked for removal
Label Fieldname Definition and guideline
Document type * document_type Select pre-defined OD document types from the drop-down list.
Language of document * odm_language Language(s) of the dataset, including resources within dataset.
Formal full title [ML] title_translated Main title
Short title (alternative/varying form of title) [ML] marc21_246 Parallel title or translation.
Topics * taxonomy e.g. economy, mental health, government. See Taxonomic tagging guide
Short summary (contents) [ML] notes_translated Abstract or summary of book or articlee
Geographic area (spatial range) * odm_spatial_range The geographic area that the dataset is relevant to (i.e. Cambodia, Laos).
Province(s) odm_province The province(s) this dataset relates to
Copyright * odm_copyright Select 'Yes', 'No', 'Unclear copyright' or 'To be determined' about the copyright of the dataset. If copyright of any type is present, describe further in Access and User Constraints.
Access and use constraints odm_access_and_use_constraints A few sentences describing legal considerations for people who access the website and/or use its contents.
Version / Edition * version Version of publication
Organization * owner_org
Date uploaded odm_date_uploaded Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
Date modified odm_date_modified Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
License * license_id License definitions and additional information can be found at
Contact [ML] odm_contact Contact information for the individual or organization that is responsible for or most knowledgeable about the dataset. This could be the author of a report, the contact information for the relevant department of an organization that produced a report, or the data analyst, mapper or researcher that produced a dataset or report.
Author (individual) marc21_100 Main Entry-Personal Name (author).
Author (corporate) marc21_110 Main Entry-Corporate Name (corporate author) or title of journal.
Co-author (individual) marc21_700 Personal Name (co-author), more than one author.
Co-author (coorporate) marc21_710 Corporate Name, more than one Corporate.
ISBN number marc21_020 13-digit unique number that uniquely identify a commercial book
ISSN number marc21_022 8-digit number that uniquely identify a serial publication
Publication place [ML] marc21_260a Place of publisher
Publisher [ML] marc21_260b Name of publishing organization
Publication date marc21_260c Date published (YYYY)
Pagination [ML] marc21_300 Physical description (pagination)
General note [ML] marc21_500 General note.

Metadata template for law and policy documents

  • Fields marked with * are mandatory
  • Fields marked with [ML] are multilingual
  • Fields marked with [M] can have more than 1 value
  • Fields with contents being striked through are marked for removal
Label Fieldname Definition and guideline
Geographic area (spatial range)* odm_spatial_range The geographic area that the dataset is relevant to (i.e. Cambodia, Laos).
Province(s) odm_province The province(s) this dataset relates to
Document reference # [ML] odm_document_number The legal reference document number as used by the internal governing agency.
Issuing agency/parties * odm_laws_issuing_agency_parties The jurisdictional agency responsible for drafting and issuing the (law) legal document.
Implementing agencies odm_laws_implementing_agencies The jurisdictional agency responsible for the enforcing and implementing the (law) legal document.
Language [ML] odm_language Language(s) of the dataset, including resources within dataset.
Formal full title [ML] title_translated Full title of document. Please do not repeat the document type or number in this field.
Formal type of document odm_document_type The type of document this is.
Alternative/short title [ML] odm_short_title Commonly used label, e.g. Cambodia Labor Law.
Topics * taxonomy e.g. economy, mental health, government. See Taxonomic tagging guide
Short summary [ML] notes_translated Describe general purpose and scope, preamble will often provide a useful statement of objective.
Primary policy reference point [ML] odm_laws_primary_policy_reference_point References are generally in the preamble or opening sections of a legal authority as the legitimacy of the document is derived from the source it references.
Organization * owner_org
License * license_id License definitions and additional information can be found at
Copyright * odm_copyright Select 'Yes', 'No', 'Unclear copyright' or 'To be determined' about the copyright of the dataset. If copyright of any type is present, describe further in Access and User Constraints.
Access and use constraints [ML] odm_access_and_use_constraints A few sentences describing legal considerations for people who access the website and/or use its contents.
Status * odm_laws_status Current operational state of the legal document.
Version date (of draft) odm_laws_version_date The version date of when the law was drafted.
Adoption date/Enacted/Promulgation date/Signing date * odm_promulgation_date The date the law was officially authorised.
Effective/Enforced date * odm_effective_date Date the law is to take effect.
Previous legal document odm_laws_previous_legal_document Does this law replace, amend or supplement previous law?
Short notes of change [ML] odm_laws_previous_changes_notes A short statement describing what changed.
Parent document odm_laws_parent_document The law that directly supersedes this law
Child Document odm_laws_child_document The law that directly precedes this law
Other reference or supporting documents odm_laws_other_references Any other supporting documents or references that relate to this law; i.e. reports, policy briefs etc.
Publication reference * odm_laws_official_publication_reference The official gazette or other official promulgation of policy, referencing issue #, date and page
Links to source odm_laws_source Official URLs where the document is made available.
Contact [ML] odm_contact Contact information for the individual or organization that is responsible for or most knowledgeable about the document.
Notes [ML] odm_laws_notes Any additional notes regarding this document.
Legacy reference document odm_reference_document e.g Tong_Min_Group_Engineering__21.06.2011.pdf
Maintainer maintainer
Maintainer email * maintainer_email
Author * author
Author email * author_email
Date uploaded odm_date_uploaded Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
Date modified odm_date_modified Date a new version or update of the dataset was uploaded.
Keywords odm_keywords INTERNAL USE ONLY: Enter keywords for improving the discoverability of this record via search

Other metadata fields

Other metadata fields exposed by the CKAN API:

Label Field Name (API) Definition Guidelines Example
Type* type Dataset type dataset or library_record dataset
Resources* resources Array with information about resources
Tags* tags Array with information about tags/topics
public/metadata.1510824948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/23 15:03 (external edit)