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How to know about workflow of Covid-19 dashboard in Vietnam

Workflow of Covid-19 dashboard in Vietnam

- Importing html data is used the import html function in google sheet

- Organizing data: using some functions like: count if, if, sum, vlookups, …

- Visualization in google studio data: using some types of chart like line chart, geo chart, scorecard, table, bar chart.

The components of dashboard

1. The part of health information

a. Map of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Vietnam

- Using data: the table of Covid-19 provinces (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data:

  • Geodimension: the column of province (using location of city geoname)
  • Metric: infected column (beside it, there are some options such as recovered, active, deaths)

- Data mode: live data (Sometimes need monitoring to repair the workflow if necessary)

- Source: Ministry of Health in Vietnam

b. COVID-19 situation in province

- Using data: the table of Covid-19 provinces (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data:

  • Dimension: the column of province (data type is string)
  • Metric: the columns such as infected, recovered, active and deaths

- Data mode: live data (Sometimes need monitoring to repair the workflow if necessary)

- Source: Ministry of Health in Vietnam

c. Education video

- Using data: using the data from third party on youtube (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: insert the link under representation image

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: online youtube

d. Hotline for COVID-19

- Using data: the table of hotline contacts (EN,VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data:

  • Dimension: the columns of agency and telephone number

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

e. List of designated centers for quarantine and treatment facilities for COVID-19

- Using data: data stored on on CKAN of ODV (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

2. Social security resources

a. Government support packages

- Using data: data stored on CKAND of ODV including 2 items: for citizens (EN,VI) and for the business and enterprise (from the government newspaper)

- Visualization: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

b. Initiatives by community

- Using data: data stored on CKAND of ODV including 2 items: Rice ATM & Zero VND supermarket (EN, VI) and Face mask ATM (from the Thanh Nien newspaper)

- Visualization: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

c. Confirmed cases by gender and age group

- Using data: the table of patient information (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data:

  • Dimension: the column of age
  • Metric: Male and female columns

- Data mode: need to update in the table of patient information about gender in google sheet

- Source: Ministry of Health in Vietnam

3. Other resources

a. Covid-19 dataset

- Using data: the profile about Covid-19 in Vietnam in ODV page (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

b. Policy timeline to covid-19

- Using data: data stored on the ODV page (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

c. Covid-19 regulation dataset

- Using data: data stored on the CKAN of ODV page (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: insert the data link stored on CKAN of ODV under the text string

- Data mode: offline data

- Source: ODV collected on media

4. Confirmed case summary

a. The score

- Using data: the table of patient information

- Visualizing in google studio data: using scorecard and metric corresponding to every column content in google sheet.

- Data mode: live data (Sometimes need monitoring to repair the workflow if necessary)

- Source: Ministry of Health in Vietnam

b. Timelines covid-19 cases in Vietnam

- Using data: Asia map covid (EN, VI)

- Visualizing in google studio data: using chart line

  • Dimension: the week column
  • Metric: the columns such as total cases and death cases

- Data mode: offline data is updated every 14 days.

- Source: OWID

c. Map of total COVID-19 cases in countries of ASEAN and China

- Using data: Asia map covid

- Visualizing in google studio data: using geo chart

  • GeoDimension: the column of country
  • Metric: Total cases column and with option death cases column

- Data mode: live data (Sometimes need monitoring to repair the workflow if necessary)

- Source: ODV collected from MOH in Vietnam, ODC, Ministry of Health in Thailand, worldometers page, outbreak page.

* Note: in parallel the Covid-19 data will be downloaded from the google sheet and uploaded on CKAN every week to archive .

internal.1604391723.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/03 08:22 by ngohaily