Label | Fieldname | Definition and guideline |
Document type * | document_type | Select pre-defined OD document types from the drop-down list. Refer to the corresponding data table for values |
Language of document * | odm_language | Language(s) of the dataset, including resources within dataset. |
Formal full title [ML] | title_translated | Main title |
Short title (alternative/varying form of title) [ML] | marc21_246 | Parallel title or translation. |
Topics * | taxonomy | e.g. economy, mental health, government. See Taxonomic tagging guide |
Short summary (contents) [ML] | notes_translated | Abstract or summary of book or articlee |
Geographic area (spatial range) * | odm_spatial_range | The geographic area that the dataset is relevant to (i.e. Cambodia, Laos). |
Province(s) | odm_province | The province(s) this dataset relates to |
Copyright * | odm_copyright | Select 'Yes', 'No', 'Unclear copyright' or 'To be determined' about the copyright of the dataset. If copyright of any type is present, describe further in Access and User Constraints. |
Access and use constraints [ML] | odm_access_and_use_constraints | A few sentences describing legal considerations for people who access the website and/or use its contents. |
Version / Edition * | version | Version of publication |
Organization * | owner_org | |
Visibility * | ?? | Public or Private (only visible to members of the owning organization) |
License * | license_id | License definitions and additional information can be found at Data licensing, copyright, and citation |
Contact [ML] | odm_contact | Contact information for the individual or organization that is responsible for or most knowledgeable about the dataset. This could be the author of a report, the contact information for the relevant department of an organization that produced a report, or the data analyst, mapper or researcher that produced a dataset or report. |
Author (individual) [ML] | marc21_100 | Main Entry-Personal Name (author). |
Author (corporate) [ML] | marc21_110 | Main Entry-Corporate Name (corporate author) or title of journal. |
Co-author (individual) [ML] | marc21_700 | Personal Name (co-author), more than one author. |
Co-author (coorporate) [ML] | marc21_710 | Corporate Name, more than one Corporate. |
ISBN number | marc21_020 | 13-digit unique number that uniquely identify a commercial book |
ISSN number | marc21_022 | 8-digit number that uniquely identify a serial publication |
Publication place [ML] | marc21_260a | Place of publisher |
Publisher [ML] | marc21_260b | Name of publishing organization |
Publication date | marc21_260c | Date published (YYYY) |
Pagination [ML] | marc21_300 | Physical description (pagination) |
General note [ML] | marc21_500 | General note. |
Legacy reference document | odm_reference_document | For internal use only. |
Keywords | odm_keywords | Enter keywords for improving the discoverability of this record via search |