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public:metadata [2020/06/23 15:05] external edit
public:metadata [2020/10/09 02:55] (current)
mchung [Guidelines for creating accurate metadata]
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 We aim to produce, to the best of our ability, an accurate metadata by describing the extent of our knowledge about the asset/​resource. A good metadata should clearly state what is known about the resource and what is not known or problematic. Metadata changes when the asset itself or knowledge about its condition changes. We aim to produce, to the best of our ability, an accurate metadata by describing the extent of our knowledge about the asset/​resource. A good metadata should clearly state what is known about the resource and what is not known or problematic. Metadata changes when the asset itself or knowledge about its condition changes.
-If information is missing or inconsistent,​ describe the known inconsistencies or gaps instead of disregarding the resource. Mention any steps being taken to address these issues, along with an expected timeline. +If information is missing or inconsistent,​ describe the known inconsistencies or gaps instead of disregarding the resource. Mention any steps being taken to address these issues, along with an expected timeline. ​**[THIS INSTRUCTION IS UNDER REVIEW] 
 ==== Open Development Platform metadata templates ==== ==== Open Development Platform metadata templates ====
public/metadata.1592924718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/23 15:05 by