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public:tools_and_templates [2015/10/01 08:05]
public:tools_and_templates [2024/06/10 03:37] (current)
arran [Data cleaning] added DeepL to list of translation providers
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 ====== Tools and templates ====== ====== Tools and templates ======
 +As an ODI we cannot promote non-open-source applications it’s part of our philosophy of Openness and Independence.
 +Here are some fundamentals are guiding principles:
 +    - We should always promote open source and free software where applicable and appropriate. Those that provide more control over personal data and security protections. 
 +  -  Tools and applications which are respectful of data privacy and rights - this precludes many proprietary software applications - see terms and conditions.
 +  - Tools and applications which do not lock users into services which they cannot afford over the longer term, or require them to loose this access upon account closures.
 +Sometimes we do use proprietary software and this mix is going to be around for various reasons. Where-ever possible we do try to ensure that these companies have a ‘social’ component that offers services for non-for-profits which offers the full suite without a cost. Tableau and DataWrapper do, as does Mapbox. ​
 +We have previously moved away from some applications because they do not off these services - such as Carto, ArcGIS and to an extent that we still use some is because of legacy. i.e. many had free terms and then changed these policies at a later date.
 ===== Tools and templates for more efficient work ===== ===== Tools and templates for more efficient work =====
-**Collaborative documentation** +====Collaborative documentation==== 
-  * [[http://​|Hackpad]] (cloud-based word processing)+  ​[[https://​​ | Etherpad]] 
 +  *<​del> ​[[http://​|Hackpad]] (cloud-based word processing)</​del>​
   * [[https://​​|Google Drive]] (cloud-base spreadsheet)   * [[https://​​|Google Drive]] (cloud-base spreadsheet)
   * [[https://​​|]] (Flowchart/​diagram-making tool. It can be connected to Google Drive, Dropbox, Device or browser)   * [[https://​​|]] (Flowchart/​diagram-making tool. It can be connected to Google Drive, Dropbox, Device or browser)
-**Data cleaning**+====Data cleaning====
   * [[http://​​|OpenRefine]] (Tutorials and documentation are available[[https://​​OpenRefine/​OpenRefine/​wiki/​External-Resources|here]])   * [[http://​​|OpenRefine]] (Tutorials and documentation are available[[https://​​OpenRefine/​OpenRefine/​wiki/​External-Resources|here]])
 +  * [[https://​​ | Workbench]] (Workbench is recommended workflow of data pipelines over Google spreadsheets,​ you can follow the tutorial [[https://​​lessons/​en|here]]) ​
 +  * [[https://​​en/​translator ​ | DeepL]]
-  * [[http://​|Transifex]] 
-**RSS news feeds**+ 
 +  ​[[https://​|Transifex]] 
 +  ​[[https://​​ | Crowdin]] 
 +  * [[https://​ |]] 
 +====RSS news feeds====
   * [[http://​|WordPress RSS Importer]] (WordPress plugin)   * [[http://​|WordPress RSS Importer]] (WordPress plugin)
-**Web scraping** + 
-  * [[http://​|Kimono]]+====Web scraping==== 
 +  ​[[https://​​|]] 
 +  ​[[https://​​|]] ​ 
 +  * <del>[[http://​|Kimono]]</​del>​
   * [[http://​|]]   * [[http://​|]]
-**Web app automation** +====API Creation / Testing====  
-  * [[http://​|IFTTT]] +  ​*[[https://​​| Postman]] 
-  * [[http://​|Zapier]]+  ​*[[https://​​| ]] 
 +====Archiving Webpages==== 
 +  * [[ https://​​faq |]] Better features and no exclusion rules for certain websites 
 +  * [[ https://​ | ]]  
 +====Web Search====  
 +  ​[[https://​​download/​ | Tor Browser]] Use Tor and Tor Browser to search  
 +  ​[[https://​ | DuckDuckGo]] 
 +  * [[https://​​ | Qwant]] 
 +====Web app automation==== 
 +<​del> ​ * [[http://​|IFTTT]] 
 +  * [[http://​|Zapier]]</​del>​
 **Visualization and infographics** **Visualization and infographics**
 +   * [[https://​​ |]]
   * [[http://​​blog/​2006/​09/​choosing_a_good.html|Chart suggestion - a thought-starter]] (What would you like to show? relationship,​ comparison, composition,​ or distribution?​)   * [[http://​​blog/​2006/​09/​choosing_a_good.html|Chart suggestion - a thought-starter]] (What would you like to show? relationship,​ comparison, composition,​ or distribution?​)
   * [[http://​​|Information is Beautiful]] (Inspirations on ideas, issues, knowledge, data — visualized!)   * [[http://​​|Information is Beautiful]] (Inspirations on ideas, issues, knowledge, data — visualized!)
Line 30: Line 64:
   * [[http://​|]]   * [[http://​|]]
   * [[https://​​|Datawrapper]] (Setting font size for title and notes is possible with html codes. The note section can be used to list multiple sources of data.)   * [[https://​​|Datawrapper]] (Setting font size for title and notes is possible with html codes. The note section can be used to list multiple sources of data.)
 +  * [[https://​​|Flourish]]
   * [[https://​​|Highcharts Cloud]]   * [[https://​​|Highcharts Cloud]]
   * [[https://​​s/​|Tableau Public]]   * [[https://​​s/​|Tableau Public]]
Line 36: Line 71:
   * [[http://​​|TimeMapper]]   * [[http://​​|TimeMapper]]
   * [[http://​​|D3:​ Data Driven Documentation]] (JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers)   * [[http://​​|D3:​ Data Driven Documentation]] (JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers)
-  * [[https://​​fusiontables/​answer/​2571232|Google Fusion Table]] (Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share data tables.)+  * <del>[[https://​​fusiontables/​answer/​2571232|Google Fusion Table]] (Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share data tables.)</​del>​
   * [[http://​|XMind]] (tree diagramming,​ like for the taxonomy)   * [[http://​|XMind]] (tree diagramming,​ like for the taxonomy)
-**Interactive tutorials**+====Code Editors==== 
 +  ​[[ https://​​ | VS Code]] 
 +  ​[[ https://​​items?​itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer| Live Server Extension for VS Code]] 
 +  ​[[https://​​items?​itemName=CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer|Bracket Pair Colorizer Extension for VS Code]] 
 +  ​[[ https://​​items?​itemName=SirTori.indenticator| Indenticator Extension for VS code]] 
 +  * [[ https://​​items?​itemName=mohsen1.prettify-json| JSON Prettify Extension for VS Code ]] 
 +  * [[https://​ | Observable Notebooks] 
 +  * [[ https://​| Google Colaboratory ]] 
 +====Interactive tutorials====
   * [[http://​|Amberjack]]   * [[http://​|Amberjack]]
   * [[http://​​intro.js/​|]]   * [[http://​​intro.js/​|]]
   * [[http://​|Powtoon]] (making short animated videos)   * [[http://​|Powtoon]] (making short animated videos)
   * [[http://​​|CamStudio]] (making videos by capturing on-screen activity and audio)   * [[http://​​|CamStudio]] (making videos by capturing on-screen activity and audio)
 +  * [[https://​​ | Scribus]] Use Scribus to create reports, books and publications. Here is [[https://​​watch?​v=JQH5fQjGqbk | in depth video tutorial of scribus]]
 ===== External resources ===== ===== External resources =====
 [[http://​​resources-guides/​|Open Steps' resources and guides]] [[http://​​resources-guides/​|Open Steps' resources and guides]]
public/tools_and_templates.1443686707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/23 15:03 (external edit)