Table of Contents

Updating the system's taxonomy

Who is this guide for

What this guide teaches

Things to know in forehand

Universal Taxonomy for ODM

Since the system is composed by several country sites plus the datahub (CKAN Instance). There is the need for a common taxonomy which should be used for categorizing the contents exposed in the system.

Taxonomy is stored in the odm-localization github repository

A data structure describing the taxonomy is stored under This is the central repository for administering the taxonomy and its translations. In this repository the taxonomy folder is present, which contains files with the current version of the taxonomy and its translations plus other folders with each of the different versions (i.e 0.9)

Please mind that the filenames and folder structure should be respected. Otheriwse import scripts could fail.

Taxonomy visualization tool

Under there is a tool for visualizing the different values of the taxonomy in the different languages. This tool needs to be kept up-to-date in case the taxonomy changes.

How to update the Universal Taxonomy for ODM

Review and versioning

Every update of taxonomy should be considered as a milestone and each modification of the taxonomy will get a version number. This will help differentiating between different states.

Translating new version on Transifex

The final taxonomy should be uploaded to transifex as a new resource in order to be translated into the other languages. Once it is translated to the other languages being used in the system, it can be used.

Uploading new version into odm-localization

In order to keep record of the different versions and facilitate the access to the taxonomy by Staff and scripts, everytime a new version is defined, following steps need to be undertaken in the odm-localization github repository:

  1. Upload a new folder with the new version into odm-localization/taxonomy (i.e odm-localization/taxonomy/1.0)
  2. Replace the json files of the current taxonomy in the odm-localization/taxonomy folder with those with the newest ones.

Re-running import scripts in order to apply the changes on the CKAN instance

In order to apply the new taxonomy into any CKAN instance, it is necessary to run the import scripts specified in the GUIDE: Migrating from previous System

Applying the new taxonomy into the Wordpress multi-site instance

The categories of the ODI Universal Taxonomy for Development are implemented in Wordpress by the post category system. New country instances will have the most current version of the taxonomy implemented, but updates to the hierarchy and categories should be carried out manually through the Wordpress interface. These should not need to be updated frequently. WordPress manages these categories based on a system of IDs, not the category names – the IDs are created automatically whenever either of new tags, categories, and custom taxonomies are added.

Add new taxonomy category

Update a taxonomy category