Table of Contents

Creating geo-referenced article collections using JEO's content API

Who is this guide for

What this guide teaches

Things to know in forehand

Using the Content API to filter out relevant information

Users can access this functionality by navigaing to the following URL (replacing Energy with whatever search term) or by clicking the “GO TO ADVANCED SEARCH” button that appears after inputting some text in the main search bar.

In that particular screen, Editors can filter out the contents of the whole country site by means of the following fields:

Once the filter criteria has been specified and the Filter button clicked, a list of result will be presented on the screen. Now editors have the possibility to compile the resulting posts into a single geojson file, that will include information such as the title or description accompaigned by geographic information (latitude, longitude). The virtue of this way of collecting data is that the geojson format is machine-readable and provides structured data, which can facilitate the work to developers, researchers or journalists willing to integrate in their workflow contents provided on

Please notice that, in order to be filtered by this tool, posts need to be geo-referenced. This means that editors need to pay particular attention on using JEO's geo-tagging features for all the posts they create.

Compiling filtered contents into a GEOJSON file

On the same screen, but also in several elements across the platform, User will notice the following buttons:

These buttons provide following functionality:

Exposing the compiled articles on CKAN

After filtering out relevant information and compiling it into a geojson files, editors can follow the Content generation guide for uploading it to CKAN and expose it to users.

It is very important that editors specify as much information as possible in order to make this information discoverable. Please read the guidelines related to Metadata.