====== Metadata for dataset (both spatial and non-spatial) ====== * Fields marked with * are mandatory * Fields marked with [ML] are multilingual * Fields marked with [M] can have more than 1 value * Fields with contents being struck through are marked for removal ^ **Category** ^ **Label** ^ **Fieldname** ^ **Definition and guideline** ^ | Description | Title * [ML] | CI_Citation_title | Name given to the dataset. | | Description | Abstract [ML] | MD_DataIdentification_abstract | Short description explaining the content and its origins. | | Description | ?? | long_notes, long_notes_translated | Longer description explaining the content and its origins. | | Description | Dataset topic category * | MD_DataIdentification_topicCategory | e.g. economy, mental health, government. See [[https://wiki.opendevelopmentmekong.net/partners:keywords_and_taxonomic_tagging_guidelines#guideline_to_determining_odm_taxonomic_terms| Taxonomic tagging guide]] | | Description | Language * | MD_DataIdentification_language | Language(s) of the dataset, including resources within dataset. | | Description | Use limitations * [ML] | odm_access_and_use_constraints | A few sentences describing legal considerations for people who access the website and/or use its contents | | Description | Organization name * | owner_org | You will only be able to allocate resources to organisations that you are a member of. If you wish to add resources to other organisations please contact the ODM CKAN administrator. | | Description | Visibility * | private | Public (false) or Private (true) (visible to owning organisation members only) | | Temporal | Dataset reference date * | odm_date_created | Date the dataset was first published by its creator. | | Temporal | Temporal extent's start date | EX_TemporalExtent_startDate | The start date for which the dataset is relevant (eg. 2011-12-31) | | Temporal | Temporal extent's end date | EX_TemporalExtent_endDate | The end date for which the dataset is relevant (eg. 2011-12-31) | | Temporal | Date Uploaded | odm_date_uploaded | The date the dataset was uploaded (eg. 2011-12-31) | | Temporal | Date of last revision | odm_date_modified | Date of last revision | | Spatial | GeoNames * | odm_spatial_range | The geographic area that the dataset is relevant to (i.e. Cambodia, Laos). | | Spatial | West bounding coordinates | EX_GeographicBoundingBox_west | The west point of the bounding box that the dataset is relevant to | | Spatial | East bounding coordinates | EX_GeographicBoundingBox_east | The east point of the bounding box that the dataset is relevant to | | Spatial |South bounding coordinates | EX_GeographicBoundingBox_south | The south point of the bounding box that the dataset is relevant to | | Spatial | North bounding coordinates | EX_GeographicBoundingBox_north | The north point of the bounding box that the dataset is relevant to | | Spatial | Spatial Resolution | MD_DataIdentification_spatialResolution | Spatial resolution of the dataset | | Spatial | Spatial Reference System | MD_DataIdentification_spatialReferenceSystem | Please enter the appropriate SRS that applies to this dataset. (A spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) is a coordinate-based local, regional or global system used to locate geographical entities). | | Spatial | Positional Accuracy [ML] | DQ_PositionalAccuracy | Details on the level of accuracy of the dataset and any existing issues | | DataQuality | Attribute Accuracy [ML] | DQ_QuantitativeAttribute | Details on the attribute accuracy of the dataset and any existing issues | | DataQuality | Logical Consistency [ML] | DQ_LogicalConsistency | Issues with logical consistency in the dataset and the steps, if any, being taken to validate its contents | | DataQuality | Completeness [ML] | DQ_Completeness | Brief description of the level of completenessof the dataset's contents and the steps, if any, boing taken to make the dataset more complete | | DataQuality | Process Step [ML] | LI_ProcessStep | The steps taken to acquire, aggregate, or transform any of the resources in the dataset | | DataQuality | Lineage [ML] | LI_Lineage | Ordered citations for all information sources that went into producing the dataset | | Contact | Responsible party [ML] | CI_ResponsibleParty_contact | Contact information for the individual or organization that is responsible for or most knowledgeable about the dataset. This could be the author of a report, the contact information for the relevant department of an organization that produced a report, or the data analyst, mapper or researcher that produced a dataset or report. | | Contact | Metadata creator information [ML] | MD_Metadata_contact | Information about how up-to-date the metadata is and who is responsible for maintaining it. | | Management | Attributes [ML] | MD_ScopeDescription_attributes | Details about the information content of the dataset. | | Management | GEMET controlled keywords [ML] | MD_DataIdentification_keywords | A few sentences describing GEMET keywords | | Management | Identifier code [ML] | CI_Citation_identAuth | A few sentences describing the Identifier code | | Management | Limitations on public access [ML] | MD_LegalConstraints | A few sentences describing the Limitations on public access | | Management | Format version [ML] | MD_Format_version | A few sentences describing the Format version | | Management | Update frequency | CI_Citation_updateFreq | Please enter in the timeframes for when or how frequently these datasets are updated. | | Management | License * | license_id | License definitions and additional information can be found [[public:licensing_and_sharing_data|Data licensing, copyright, and citation]] | | Management | Copyright * | odm_copyright | Select 'Yes', 'No', 'Unclear copyright' or 'To be determined' about the copyright of the dataset. If copyright of any type is present, describe further in Access and User Constraints. | | Management | Version | version | Dataset's version (eg. 1.0) | | Management | Province(s) | odm_province | The province(s) this dataset relates to | | Management | Legacy reference document | odm_reference_document | eg. Tong_Min_Group_Engineering_21.06.2011.pdf | | Management | Database table? | odm_db_table | INTERNAL USE ONLY: Select true if this record contains CSV and/or XLS resources available in the datastore. | | Management | Keywords | odm_keywords | INTERNAL USE ONLY: Enter keywords for improving the discoverability of this record via search | ===== Resource Level Metadata ===== Each resource that is added within a dataset requires its own specific metadata. These fields include: ^ **Label** ^ **Fieldname** ^ **Definition and guideline** ^ | NAME * [ML] | name_translated | Name given to the resource. | | URL | url | URL of the resource. | | DESCRIPTION [ML] | description_translation | Provide a detailed description of this specific resource, e.g. //This dataset contains only the special economic zones for Thailand with attributes containing their specific name only. //**Note:** If leave description in blank, the resource's description would be the same as dataset's description.//// | | FORMAT | format | File format type. //Please simply start typing and the appropriate file type will be selected//. **ALL CAPS, NO DOTS, NO SPACES ** . | | RESOURCE'S LANGUAGES * | MD_DataIdentification_language | This field is MANDATORY and provides access to the systems language switcher. | | FEATURE INFO TEMPLATE for WMS RESOURCE | feature_info_template | This feature allows for editing the info window feature of a datasets attributes. Please follow the instructions listed here [[partners:feature_info_template_field_in_ckan|Feature info template field in CKAN]] | ==== For more information about ==== [[public:metadata|Metadata]] [[public:library_metadata|Metadata template for library publications]] [[public:laws_metadata|Metadata template for law and policy documents]] [[public:agreement_metadata|[[public:agreement_metadata|Metadata template for law and policy documents]]